
We’re about innovation without the impact.


Our Impact

Zama Group strives to minimize their environmental impact, integrating sustainable practices from the very beginning to the end of each development.

We design subdivisions with the environment in mind, whether it’s from recycling up to 85% of house demolition materials, or to signing contracts electronically to save paper, we are always looking to ensure a greener and more sustainable future for all.

Energy Efficient Estates

We promote energy-efficient homes throughout all our estates. Our subdivisions are designed to facilitate solar energy implementation, providing three-phase solar connections to each lot.

We provide guidance on creating an energy efficient home to help you make a positive impact on the environment and your wallet.

Water Conservation

In our commitment to sustainability, we promote the incorporation of water conservation measures in all our new home builds.

Our developments encourage rainwater harvesting systems and sustainable water practices, promoting the preservation of this precious resource for the well-being of both current and future generations.